Friday, November 9, 2012

It's Friday!! Friday!!

Gotta get down on Friday!!

It's a beautiful Friday here in the Hudson Valley and after just finishing a feel great trail run, I'm ready to get down to business.

Today is all about not beating yourself up as a parent. 
For example:   You wake up and start preparing for the day.  You have outfits laid out, breakfast on the stove, your prompting your children to get ready, they are responding well  and then it happens.  Your youngest spills juice all over the breakfast table,  If that's not bad enough, the juice spills on 2 of your children ruining their outfit for the day.  Back to the closets to find new outfits, the bathroom to wash off the sticky and now you are running behind to get your children to school, you to work and your day is now beginning to feel like a rush.  At the worst times we all know that feeling all to well.
The moral of the story is sometimes you can do everything right and the end result is just not what you were expecting or hoping.   This type of scenario happens to parents all the time.  Don't beat yourself up over it.  Children are always learning and following examples of their parents, teachers etc.  By not sweating the small stuff your child will learn and pick up on that message as well.  Twenty years from now are you going to remember being late to drop them off at school that one time or is your boss going to remember you were 10 minutes late to work.  Probably not. 
Be patient and enjoy the time you have being a parent.  The end result will be much more rewarding to all parties involved.

To a beautiful weekend coming up.