Friday, April 20, 2012


With the weather being so nice and all my children loving to be outside I can't wait for the weekend.
But first,

Let's reduce a little of stress and anxiety on what the summer will be looking like. If you are one who plans ahead and sets yourself up for success then great for you!!  If not you definitely do not want to miss out on this upcoming workshop.  By the end you will have a clear picture of what your summer could potentially look like. 
You will learn tips and tricks on how to make this the best summer ever for your children.   You will learn strategies that if implemented could save you hundreds of dollars over and over all summer long.

That is not the only topic for this workshop, you will also walk away with proven strategies that will help you stay calm and relaxed througout the summer.  Resulting in pure enjoyment with your children.

Ok,  Not to sound like a salesman, but really, this workshop will be worth 10x what you will pay for it. 
Not to mention for the price, a night out with other parents may be worth it by itself.

Check out the blog pages for all the information on the Summer Parenting workshop or click below to sign up.

PS:   I know parenting is a team effort so if you sign up prior to May 15th, your spouse attends
        for  FREE!!!

PPS:  May 24th 7 PM.

Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

When pictures go BAD!!!

Another great day here is Garrison and another baseball victory for my son last night driving in 2 runs. Enough about my family.

There are so many benefits in today's technological society. Cell phones for example, while cell phones are great for conveniently tracking down our children in a time of need their are a lot of risks that come with teenagers and phones with cameras. Sexting. What is sexting. Sexting is taking pictures of oneself and sending out for others to view. Unfortunately it seems to be a real issue that many parents/guardians with teenagers have been facing these days. Here's what immediately comes to mind in terms of communicating with your child further in the event that you find yourself in this uncomfortable situation. (Or use the following in hopes of preventing this from happening) I hope this helps to create a framework from which a good and grounding conversation can result.

1. Open communication and listening. Raise what you found and listen to what your child says.
2. Express how much you love and respect them.
3. Calmly discuss the way that you want others to view and respect you. Ask her how she
wants to be viewed by boys.
4. Reiterate, how women/girls should be respected- how your child should be respected.
5. Talk about trust that has been broken.
6. Brainstorm with them and discuss how to earn trust back.
7. Talk about how much you love them and how sometimes kids seemingly benign and innocent
actions can lead to bigger and more serious things.
8. The reality is:
a) kids (even under 18) can be arrested for sending pictures of themselves. From an online
source: "Sending risqué photos comes with an additional risk: you can be arrested for
trafficking child porn, even if the images are of yourself! A 15-year-old Ohio girl was
arrested in January on felony child pornography charges for allegedly sending... (sexy) cell
phone pictures of herself to classmates."

b) sexy texted photos are often shared with friends, even innocently, which then are passed
around by that friend. a picture of your child could be sent around very very quickly. does
she want herself to be considered the "slut" amongst her friends? Even worse, the photos
can end up on the internet.

Message of the day is that this is reality in today's world. No matter how great of a parent you are this is a possibility. Open lines of communication are the best prevention. Don't be afraid to discuss these issues. No matter how uncomfortable.

Best of Luck

PS: Summer is just around the corner. Start planning now so you can make this year the best summer yet!! Mark your calender May 24Th. Summer ready parenting workshop 7-9 pm.
This workshop is guaranteed to over deliver on content.
That's all for today.

Monday, April 16, 2012


After a weekend full of excitement with the family, I'm back at it.

As a base it is important to recognize that all behavior has meaning. The key to good parenting is to identify what behavior is being displayed by your child. If the behavior is positive then how do you foster that behavior. If behavior is negative then what is driving the behavior and how do you teach your child a better way of coping with thier situation.

For example the behavior of a bully might be hiding feelings of insecurity, where someone who runs away may be afraid of something.

So, as a parent our natural reaction is to focus on the behavior and deal with that. (NOT ANY MORE) From now on, try focusing on the underlying concerns that leads to the behavior rather than the behavior. Once you are able to identify the root of the issue then preventing reoccurring instances becomes much easier.

(ps: I am not saying that negitive behavior should go without consequences, Just saying to deal with the behavior first)

If you are in the Tri state area, please enjoy the 85+ day that we are having.

PS: Coming to the website soon, sign ups for the May 24th workshop.
Stay tuned.

Friday, April 13, 2012


I'm supercharged and no not because I'm all hoped up on coffee, I'm pumped about the day and weekend coming up. I had a great week, great workouts, a resting heart rate of 38 at my last physical, a great PTA event last night and this weekend I am looking forward to three days in a row of soccer games and opening day at Little League for my son. I'm telling you this not to brag, but because I try to live what I'm encouraging you to do.

So, I am ready to deliver some great content to you today. I am a huge advocate for being a back yard vacationer. Enjoying time in your local area. While BIG extravagant vacations are great, you can't partake weekly. So, why not spend this weekend visiting some of your local area attractions. You may chose a theme park, museum, favorite hiking trail, fishing hole, arts and craft store, Hobby shop, Water Front, bike track, etc, etc. The main thing is to participate as a family.

Enjoy your weekend.

PS: If you have not already marked your calender, Now is a good time to do so. May 24Th, 7 pm is the next workshop. "SUMMER PARENTING" Be ready to tackle the summertime head on.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


When it comes to problem solving with our children the key is to work backwards.
Prior to spitting out answers to your children, we must first Identify what the problem is.
(NOTE: Problems don't always have to be negative. Problems can be as simple as trying to figure out an interest that your children may have and fulfilling that interest in a positive manner).

Once you are able to correctly identify the problem,(and I say correctly because sometimes, the real issue may not be what your child is sharing) you can then start to develop a plan or solution to the problem.

The fastest and most direct way to get to this point (identifying an issue) is to be having daily conversations with your children. Whether these discussions are about school, sports, friends, etc etc. you need to be involved in your child's daily life. NO MATTER what their age is.

For more on this topic, Pick up a copy of Three Step Parenting by clicking the link below.

PS: Mark your calender!!! May 24th, 7pm Workshop in Garrison.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


You know the feeling when you see your child sad, stressed, anxious, etc etc. and your inner super parent mode kicks in that says Mom or Dad to the rescue.

If so, then you are ready to BACK OFF. Today, lets focus on letting go and allowing your child to figure out some uncomfortable situation on their own.

If you can answer YES to the below questions then you are ready to let GO and allow your child to fly or flop out of the nest.

1. Is my child able to handle this particular situation.

2.Am I able to place my parenting on hold temporarily to allow my child to grow.

3. Have I taught my child right and wrong.

4. Am I OK with my child making the wrong decision and using that as a teaching tool.

If you have been role modeling positive parenting, then your child should be able to handle a variety of situations. In the beginning of letting go, whether it is working out a dispute with a sibling or allowing your teenager to attend the movies with friends for the first time due your part by trying to set up the day for success.

Enjoy every stage,

Monday, April 2, 2012


When we talk about being role models and teachers to our children, It is important to first figure out what type of learner you are. In most cases, people will teach the way they learn. If your child learns that way than great. However, if they learn in a completely different manner than you have to start thinking of a new approach. The reason I'm telling you this is as adults we think our way is the best way and that often leads to unhappy people. (Adults and children) So sometimes we have to take a moment and back up and restart with a new approach. Don't get caught trying to put a square peg into a triangle slot.

For those who have children off from school this week, please be sure to enjoy the moment. Learn a new hobby or build on an old skill. Whatever it is just be in the moment.

Enjoy the day

Are You Summer Ready? Coming towards the end of May!!!
A workshop geared to parents to help prepare both physically and emotionally for the summer. Not Just Survive but actually enjoy each and every day.