About Todd
More than anything, Todd understands what you’re going through as a parent. He has four children of his own, ages 8 and under. In addition to his personal experiences as a dad, he’s certified as a therapeutic crisis intervention trainer. He’s also a behavior modification expert currently working professionally as the director of residential life at a New York facility for at-risk youth. Feeling like he didn’t have a place to turn as a parent for a straightforward approach to discipline, he created the 3-Step Parenting program. His method can apply to all the stumbling blocks of childraising, from thumb sucking to bad manners to homework procrastination. “What parents have to recognize,” says Todd, “is that parenting isn’t easy. There’s always room for improvement. Most people just do what their parents did without breaking negative patterns. My goal is to take people’s strengths and translate them into good parenting skills and to take their weaknesses and change them through education. I like it when parents come back and tell me there’s no more fighting and arguing and they feel like they are working together with their children.”