Friday, March 30, 2012

Volunteer-Donate-What!! This is a must read!!

It's Friday and before I call it a week and head off to a weekend filled with traveling soccer games, basketball, gymnastics and bike riding, here is a little something to think about.

A happy family is a cohesive family - so do something as a family. This tip is a cost effective, important lesson providing activity - VOLUNTEER as a FAMILY.
This can be a rewarding experience with a life's worth of valuable lessons, that incorporates civic duty and meaningful family time, all while doing something important. The volunteer experience you choose is going to depend on many factors - so please use this list as an example and do something that would be a great fit for your family. Explain to your family the importance of the activity and how important they are to be helping such a great cause!

Example Opportunities:
*Collect canned goods from your pantry, your neighbors and friends for a local food pantry
*Clean out the linen closet and donate old towels, sheets and blankets to an animal
*Collect stuffed animals and dolls and donate them to your local fire department, police
department and rescue squad
*Have your children clean out toys and donate them to a homeless shelter or a women's
*Collect clothes that your family no longer wants and take them to a clothing drop bin.
*Have a big playdate with a couple families and make greeting cards for a local senior
center or hospital

One Note - Before collecting, dropping off, etc . . . please contact the agency to make sure they will take the items, most will, but if they don't they are usually able to refer you to an appropriate party.

Happy Volunteering and Congratulations on doing something meaningful for and with your family!

Have a great weekend.

PS: I have been getting a ton of postive feedback on my article on ezine articles.
If you have not gone and checked it out yet, head there now. Just click the link below.
Best of all, Its Free!!!

PPS: share your opions below.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

TOP 10!!!

With the weather crazy here in Garrison, Rain one minute, sun the next, 30 mph wind gust and back to rain then sun, who knows what's next. 80 degrees again would be nice after making the summer switch over last week (ok, enough weather talk) I write the below for you.

After discussing topics from recreating with your children to cleaning to extended family, this tip should come to you as no surprise.Create your own TOP TEN list. Sit down with your family and find out more about each other by developing a question and answer session. Here each family member will create 10 appropriate questions geared toward anyone in their family that must be answered.

Questions may include:
1.What is your favorite place to hang out?
2.What is something new you would like to try?
3.Kids to parents, what was your favorite subject in school?

etc, etc. So what are you waiting for, grab a pen and paper and start creating your list!
BONUS:Watch the endless discussions that will arise from your list.


PS: Parenting workshop coming in May, stay tuned for details.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Kick Butt Routines

If you haven't heard yet, routine and structure are amongst the most important factors when it comes to raising happy, healthy and productive children.

Whether you have a good routine or bad routine you provide your children with a certain amount of stability. (See below on how to create only good routines) When routines are well thought out and implemented they assist with setting your child up for success. Routines will also help to cut down and in most cases eliminate stress. They help the disorganized child. They create a safe haven for the out of control child. They work well with all children especially those who have ADD ADHD. I can go on and on, but I think you see the bigger picture.

For more on how to create and implement a Kick Butt Routine for any issue in your life.
Check out the article I wrote on Ezine Articles by clicking the link below.

Have a great weekend.

PS: please post for others some of your best routines.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Do As I Say

Today, let's dabble in some Self Awareness:
How many of us preach to our children, "Do As I Say, Not as I Do"
Do you find yourself ripping into your child for doing the exact same behaviors you do yourself. Then try to justify it with I'm an adult speech.

Try to take a moment and become aware of how you are acting around your children. Are your manners ok, do you follow the house rules, is your language appropriate at all times, Are you a reader, Are you generally on time or late to things, what are your eating habits. The question is are these things that you want your children to pick up on and one day pass on to their children or do you need to work on them as well. Children of all ages usually learn their behavior from somewhere. Most often from those closest to them.

I love to hear comments: please post

PS: coming sometime in May, another parenting workshop. Stay tuned for more details.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Go Unplugged


To increase the happiness amongst your family - UNPLUG your life - turn off the computer, ipod, television, radio, video games or whatever it is your family is participating in independently.Spontaneously unplug and do a family activity together - Take a Hike, play a board game, work on a puzzle, work on your garden - whatever is enjoyable for your family as a whole. Just use this opportunity as a way to let your family know that your time spent together is valuable and important! Try this for an afternoon, then a day, then a weekend, then a month. Watch the togetherness and productivity grow
Happy unplugging,
Enjoy the weekend.


PS: copies of Three Step Parenting are selling fast, grab your copy now!!

PPS: Post how you are going to go unplugged on the wall.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Happy Families


After a weekend filled with sleepovers, gymnastics, science projects, girlscouts and my youngest turning 3, Im back at it and ready to give.

I recently submitted an article to Ezine articles and they just released it Friday. This article assist parents in creating routine and structure in the home in three simple steps.

After reading the article, parents will be able to identify a problem or situation that is happening in the home, create a solution for the problem and implement the new plan. Creating a Happier Home Enviornment.

Check out the link below for the full version of the article.

Also help me to help others by passing this on..

Yours truely,