Friday, March 16, 2012

Go Unplugged


To increase the happiness amongst your family - UNPLUG your life - turn off the computer, ipod, television, radio, video games or whatever it is your family is participating in independently.Spontaneously unplug and do a family activity together - Take a Hike, play a board game, work on a puzzle, work on your garden - whatever is enjoyable for your family as a whole. Just use this opportunity as a way to let your family know that your time spent together is valuable and important! Try this for an afternoon, then a day, then a weekend, then a month. Watch the togetherness and productivity grow
Happy unplugging,
Enjoy the weekend.


PS: copies of Three Step Parenting are selling fast, grab your copy now!!

PPS: Post how you are going to go unplugged on the wall.

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